Students are the life-blood of an educational institute. If the teachers have the maturity & vision to steer the stoutest of minds to greatness, it is ultimately the students, without whose will, this greatness cannot be achieved. The teacher is the sensor, the student the actuator. This fact becomes more & more relevant due to the fast pace of technology, keeping up with which is a bigger responsibility of the student. That is why, normally, it is the students that elevate an institution. It is, therefore, pivotal for the educational organization, that the best minds from the available lot be selected, which would ultimately help not only the organization in the completion of its mission & vision but also the student who would be provided an opportunity to use his/her natural talent & abilities to scale the heights in the intended field. This standard aims to investigate how the institution admits & sustains students in its constituent colleges, fitness of these policies to mission & vision, periodic student success assessment & intimation to their guardians & degree of provision of other student-centric services such as transfer of credits, grants, scholarships, refunds, infrastructural & other facilities, teacher to student ratio etc. The major purpose of setting up a quality enhancement cell is actually facilitation for students & this standard sometimes proves to be the defining factor for academic accreditation by many government bodies.