Saturday 25th, January 2025

Life at WEC

  • These rules shall be called the, “University of Wah, Students General Discipline Rules-2013.
  • These will come into force with immediate effect from the date of approval by the competent authority and shall have jurisdiction for both on campus and off campus cases.
  • Unless otherwise explained in the context or explicitly expressed, the following terms shall mean as defined in each case:
    “Academic Department” means an academic department of University of Wah.
    “Campus” means premisbes of the University of Wah and its constituent colleges
    “Committee” means the Students Discipline Committee of University of Wah constituted under these rules.
    “Constituent College” means a constituent college of the University of Wah
    “Dean” means Dean of respective faculty of University of Wah.
    “Director Students Affair” means Director Students Affairs of the University of Wah
    “Examination Hall” means the centre for holding examinations of the College / University.
    “Hall of Residence” means the hostels of University of Wah or such place as may be declared as residence for students.
    “Head” means the head of a teaching department of University of Wah.
    “Senior Warden” means senior warden of the hostels of the University and its constituent colleges.
    “Students” mean bonafide students of University of Wah both native and foreign in accordance with the respective rules.
    “University” means the University of Wah, Wah Cantt.
    “Vice-Chancellor” and other officers/authorities mean the Vice-Chancellor and other officers/ authorities of the University of Wah.

    Note: The general pronoun “he” and its derivatives shall mean either of the sex unless otherwise explicitly expressed.


    Every student of University of Wah is an honourable student and must observe the following code of honor:

    • He must be faithful in his religious duties and respect the conviction of others in matters of religion and custom.
    • He must refrain from doing anything which might lower the honor and prestige of the country.
    • He must be truthful and honest in his dealings with all people.
    • He must respect the elders and be polite to all, especially women, children, old people, the weak and the helpless.
    • He must respect his teachers and others in authority in the University.
    • He must help his fellow beings especially those in distress.
    • He must devote himself faithfully to the studies.
    • He must protect his and others property and the property of the University.

    No student shall:

    • Smoke at the University Campus ( University Campus is a smoke free area
    • Consume alcoholic liquor or other intoxicating drugs within the University Campus/College or hall of residence or examination hall or during the instructional sports or cultural tours or survey-camp, or enter any such tour or camp, while under the influence of such intoxicant.
    • Organize or take part in any function within the University campus or a hall of residence or organize any club or society of students except in accordance with the prescribed rules and regulations.
    • Collect any money or receive donations or pecuniary assistance for or on behalf of the University or any of the University organization except with the written permission of the Vice Chancellor or any officer authorized by the Vice Chancellor.
    • Stage, incite, participate in or indulge in any walkout, strike or other form of agitation against the University or its teachers or officers.
    • Interfere in the official proceedings of the examination or other University business.
    • Threatens or misbehaves with any teacher, officers or other employees of the University or try to influence such officers or employees in any way in connection with their official assignments.
    • Instigate or take part in any boycott of examination or create disturbance in or around the examination hall.
    • Abuse computer facilities and resources including, but not limited to:
      • Use of other individual’s identification and / or password.
      • Interference with the work of another student, faculty member, University official.
      • Unauthorized entry into a file to use, read, or change the contents or for any other purpose.
      • Unauthorized transfer of a file.
      • Sending obscene, abusive or threatening messages.
      • Transmission of computer virus.
      • Unauthorized access to, or unauthorized or malicious use of University computer equipment or networks, or electronic communication devices, or the use of such equipment or devices to gain unauthorized access to, and / or use of, off-campus computer equipment.
      • Unauthorized duplication of software or other violation of copyright laws.
      • Interfering with normal operation of the University computing system.
      • Indulging in cyber crime.
  • Make unauthorized access or entry to, or use of University facilities and equipment, unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys to any University premises, facilities or equipment.
  • Intentionally and/or recklessly endangering, threatening, physical or verbal coercion, harassment, physical harm to any person, or oneself, in University premises or at University sponsored activities, using words or actions to provoke or encourage others to violent retaliatory behaviour, or other acts of misconduct.
  • Indulge in any theft, or attempted theft of property or services in University premises or at college-sponsored activities.
  • Intentionally and/or recklessly destroying or damaging, or attempting to destroy or damage University property or the property of others in University premises or at college-sponsored activities.
  • Indulge in any unauthorized and / or illegal exchange of money, favours or services as a result of an organized or unorganized game or competition.
  • Use mobile phone in class rooms, examination halls, labs and library thus disrupting the calm of the said rooms.
  • Every member of the teaching staff shall have the powers (and it shall be his duty) to check disorderly or improper conduct or any breach of the rules by students occurring in any part of the precincts of the University. Should such misconduct occur in a class-room when the student is under the charge of any instructor/supervisor, the latter shall report the matter, without delay, to the Chairman of the Department.
  • The Librarian shall be responsible for maintenance of order in the library. In case of disorderly conduct or any breach of rules, he may require the student so offending to withdraw from the library for the remainder of the day and shall immediately report the offense to the Chairman, Library Committee.
  • The Senior Warden and the Resident Tutor shall be responsible for the maintenance of order among the students in hall of residence or hostels. The Director Physical Education/Chairman Sports Committee shall be responsible for the maintenance of order among the students on or near the playground or while otherwise under his charge.


      • Each member of the University community is issued a picture Identification /Registration card or visitor’s pass, and must wear it at all times while on University premises or at University-sponsored activities. Identification/Registration cards must be presented upon entering University premises and must be worn while on University premises.
      • Identification/Registration cards are not transferable. The owner of the card will be called upon to account for any fraudulent use of his or her identification card and will be subject to disciplinary action by the University if he or she has aided such fraudulent use. The card will be forfeited if the student to whom it was issued allows any other person to use the same.
      • Upon card owner’s withdrawal/rustication/expulsion from the University, all rights and privileges related to the identification card automatically cease. If the student withdraws, or is suspended or expelled, from the University, the identification card must be surrendered to the institute.

      • No visitors and guests are allowed to enter in the University premises or at University-sponsored activities without the written permission of responsible authority.
      • All permitted/allowed visitors or invitees shall conduct themselves, at all times, in a manner which is consistent and in line with maintenance of orderly behavior in the University premises.

        There shall be a Students Discipline Committee comprising of the following:
      • A senior faculty member preferably a Dean of a faculty to be nominated as Chairperson by the Vice-Chancellor University of Wah.
      • Three senior faculty members/HODs to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor of University of Wah.
      • Two senior faculty members (not below the rank of Assistant Professor) to be nominated by the Academic Council, University of Wah.
      • Director, Students Affairs (Member/Secretary); ex-officio.
      • The Senior Warden of Hostels of University of Wah: ex-officio.

    The term of office of the members other than ex officio members shall be three years. The quorum for a meeting of the Committee shall be four members.

  • The function of the Committee shall be:

    • To propose Regulations to the Academic Council, and other authorities, for the conduct of the University students.
    • To maintain discipline and to guard against any breach of discipline.
    • To perform such other functions as may be prescribed.
  • A student shall be guilty of an act of indiscipline and shall be liable for each act to one or more of the penalties mentioned in Rule 18, if he:

    • Commits a breach of any of the rules of conduct specified in Rule 5 – 14 ; or
    • Disobeys the lawful order of a teacher or other persons in authority in the University; or
    • Habitually neglects his work or habitually abstains himself from his class without reasonable cause; or
    • Wilfully damages University property or the property of a fellow student or any teacher or any employee of the University; or
    • Does not comply with the rules relating to residences in the hostels or hall of residence or the Rules relating to the wearing of uniform or academic dress; or
    • Uses indecent language, wears un modest dress or makes indecent remarks or gestures or behaviour; or
    • Does not pay the fees, fines or other dues liable, under the University Act, Statutes, Rules, Regulations or Instructions; or
    • Commits any criminal, immoral or dishonourable act (whether committed within the University campus or otherwise) which is prejudicial to the interests of the University; or
    • Humiliates, or causes to humiliate, misbehaves, uses abusive language or manhandles his fellow student or a teacher or officer or other employees of the University; or
    • Possesses, carries or uses any type of weapons/fire arms or explosive material within the University premises; or
    • Spreads by word, mouth or written material, political, religious, sectarian, ethnic, regional or linguistic conflicts/hatred; or
    • Unauthorized uses or takes possession of the University transport; or
    • Shows un modest/indecent or contra-Islamic behaviour with fellow students.
  • Penalties
      • The penalty or penalties imposed shall be appropriate and proportional to the nature and gravity of the act.
      • The penalties which may be imposed and the authority or authorities competent to impose each kind of penalty are specified in the table given below:
    S# Penalty Authority Competent to impose the Penalty
    1 Exclusion from classroom, laboratory, workshop or field work for not more than two such consecutive periods. Teacher In charge
    2 Exclusion from the game or the field for not more than one month. In charge of the game.
    3 Exclusion from instructional or sports tour or survey camp. Teacher In charge or Tour In charge.
    4 Exclusion from the department for a period up to one week. Head of the Department
    5 Exclusion from all classes or any class in any faculty for a period up to three weeks. Dean of the faculty
    6 Exclusion from the library up to two weeks. The Chairman Library Committee
    7 Exclusion from the hall of residence for a period up to one month. Resident Tutor.
    8 Exclusion from the hall of residence for a period up to six months. Senior Warden
    9 Suspension or removal from a position of authority in a hall of residence. Resident Tutor, Warden, Senior Warden.
    10 Suspension or removal from a position of authority in the Students Council, if any. Director Students Affairs
    11 Suspension from a position of authority in the University sports. The Chairman Sports Committee
    12 Cancellation or removal from a position of authority in the University Sports The Chairman Sports Committee
    13 Fine up to Rs. 500.00 Lecturer / Resident Tutor
    14 Fine up to Rs. 1000.00 Assistant Professor, Warden
    15 Fine up to Rs. 3000.00 Associate Professor
    16 Fine up to Rs. 5000.00 Head of a teaching department, Professor, Senior Warden, Director Students Affairs, Chairman, Transport Committee
    17 Rustication from the University up to 2 years and fine without any limit. Discipline Committee
    18 Expulsion from the University Discipline Committee
    19 Withholding of results, certificates of good moral character, etc. Dean of Faculty, Discipline Committee
  • When a case against a student is referred to the Committee by the Vice-Chancellor, the Committee may, if it deems fit, suspend the student from University Rolls and /or direct him to vacate hall of residence till it has taken a decision in the case.
  • Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Vice-Chancellor shall have the powers to impose any of the penalties mentioned in sub rule 18(b) or to refer the case to the Committee.
  • The Principal of a constituent College / Director of a Campus shall have the powers to impose any of the penalties mentioned in sub rule 18(b) in his college/campus.
  • A teacher or officer mentioned in these rules in whose presence or in relation to whom an act of indiscipline is committed or who obtains knowledge of such act on a report or otherwise, may deal with the case himself or if in his view:
    • The case is one which can be more appropriately dealt with by another authority; or
    • A penalty severer than that which he is competent to impose is called for in the case; Shall follow the procedure specified below:
    • If he is not the Dean of the Faculty, he shall refer the case to the Dean who may deal with it himself or refer to the appropriate authority.
    • If he is the Dean of the Faculty, he shall refer the case to the Vice-Chancellor University of Wah
  • No student shall be rusticated or expelled from the University unless he has been allowed reasonable chance of replying (personal hearing) to the accusation against him.
  • When in the opinion of the Committee, the penalty of rustication or expulsion is not called for in a case referred to it, it may impose any other penalty or penalties mentioned in the Rule 18b.
  • When a teacher or officer has imposed penalty / penalties on a student under rule 18b, the latter shall not be liable to a higher or any additional penalty unless that the offending student has been given a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the proposed action.
  • Appeals

    • A review petition against the imposition of penalty may be made within a week’s time to the teacher/officer who imposed the penalty. In case the student is not satisfied with his decision/revision he may appeal to the Chairman, Discipline Committee who shall place it before the Committee for its consideration and decision within a maximum of two weeks to dispose of the case. An appeal against the imposition of penalty by the Discipline committee may then be made to the Appeal Committee as provided in rules 20b, given below.
    • An appeal against a decision on imposing a penalty by the Discipline committee under Rule (17),(18) and (19) shall lie with the Appeal Committee comprising as mentioned below:
      • The Vice-Chancellor.
      • Principal of the constituent college.
      • All Deans of University of Wah.
      • One member to be nominated by the Academic Council.
      • Registrar shall be the Secretary of the Committee.
    • No appeal shall lie against a decision of an authority imposing a penalty other than that mentioned in Rule 20a of these rules except on the ground that such authority has imposed a penalty which it was not competent to impose.
    • No appeal by a student under sub rule (a) or sub rule (c) of this rule shall be entertained, unless it is presented within fifteen days from the date on which the decision is notified to him, provided that the Vice-Chancellor may, for valid reasons, extend this period up to thirty days.
    • An appeal on the ground that an authority has imposed a penalty, which it was not competent to impose, shall lie with the Vice-Chancellor.
  • Vice-Chancellor or any teacher or officer to whom the Vice-Chancellor may delegate his powers, may direct a student to pay compensation for any loss, or damage to property belonging to the University or to a fellow student or to an employee of the University caused by a wilful act or gross negligence of the student and if the student does not pay such compensation within a time to be specified, the Vice-Chancellor may expel him from the University and loss/damage/compensation be recovered from his parents/ guardians through legal proceedings.

    Gender Mixing

    The students are strictly reminded to follow the accepted social and cultural norms of the society. Undue intimacy and unacceptable proximity, openly or in isolated areas will not be tolerated.


    It is the responsibility of all to keep the campus environment clean and tidy. Therefore, no littering or trash should be carelessly thrown or left on the campus premises. The designated waste boxes should be used for this purpose.


    a. Sports expect all individuals and teams involved in sport to participate showing sportsmanship, respect, consideration and appreciation towards their opponents, team-mates, officials and University staff at all times.

    b. Under no circumstances should you react in a violent manner nor use any form of foul or abusive language whether it is directed at a member of staff, match official, opponent, playing colleague, team official or spectator.

    c. Individuals signing the player registration form are agreeing to abide by this code of conduct and will accept that any deviation from these rules will result in disciplinary action being taken by the University.

    d. Persons under the influence of drugs are not permitted to participate in sport activities at the University and as such will result in disciplinary action by the University.

    e. On a final note, please remember that no referee, umpire or official is perfect, you won't agree with every decision that is made and just like players, they make mistakes too.

    Dress Code

    In order to maintain academic dignity and sanctity of the institution, students and staff of the University are required to wear decent dress. Students are requested to wear proper uniform mentioned in subsequent paras. The dress restriction is not to impose any rigidity or regimentation but is in accordance with the spirit of discipline and punctuality which is the cardinal aspect of life style at the University. To abide by the student dress code, student should not:


    a. Wear tight or see-through dress.

    b. Wear Tee-Shirts.

    c. Wear torn clothing.

    d. Wear jogging or exercise shoes,

    e. Put on excessive makeup or wear expensive jewellery.

    f. Wear untidy, gaudy or immodest dress in classrooms, cafeteria and university offices.

    g. Wear unprofessional attire in formal programmes and interviews.

    Uniform Code

    Summer Dress

    White shirt with full sleeves, dark grey trousers, black belt, black socks and black shoes.

    White shirt with full sleeves, white shalwar, blue doptta and/or blue scarf, black socks and black shoes. White and navy blue scarf are optional.

    Winter Dress

    White shirt with full sleeves, dark grey woolen trousers, black belt, blue blazer / blue sweater, black socks, black shoes and college necktie.

    White shirt with full sleeves, white shalwar, blue doptta and/or scarf, blue blazer / blue sweater, black socks, black shoes. Simple Gowns (not compulsory) black/white/blue.


    1. Male students shall maintain short hair cut and shave regularly. Beards will be kept in proper shape.

    2. University logo must be pasted on blazers in winter and on left arm of white shirts in summer.

    3. Georgette dupatta, self print dupatta and colored scarf, trousers and any kind of ribbon, laces, extensions and patches are strictly banned in the University premises.

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